Blackwell Public School
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58A Blackwell Ave
St Clair NSW 2759

Phone: 02 9670 5080

Principal's Desk

UPDATED 3rd June 2020

As we are finally getting back to the new normal we are thinking carefully about how the time away from school may have affected our students, not just academically but socially and emotionally too.

We are giving a lot of thought to how we address this in the coming weeks. School life will be different but we will help our students adjust and process what we have all been through.  

*Take time to reconnect

Returning may feel strange for some children and parents. It’s important to give our students time to reconnect with each other and school. It’s important to re-establish this sense of belonging.

*Make time to talk

All children have different family circumstances, so space and time to voice their concerns are vital. Teachers will ensure classes have time to talk and some are already completing worksheets with "Coronavirus" as a topic!

*Embed Wellbeing

Ensure in our busy days that we continue to focus on everyone’s wellbeing. A simple ‘How are you?’ and a wait for the answer. We need to give voice to our feelings and equip our students with the vocab to label these emotions. We are all experts at ‘covering up’ and just getting on with the task. We need to be kind to ourself and each other. Talking about what we are thankful for puts our life into balance. We need to focus on the positives. Our social skills programs are now back and running.

*Give time to adapt

Remembering old routines takes time and patience even under normal circumstances! With COVID-19 restrictions it will take longer. I’m impressed with the manner in which our students have returned to school. While the playground restrictions have placed additional control on behaviours most students have adapted. Hopefully with sporting events / competitions being considered our playground routines will once again be more settled. How lucky are we to have the grounds and equipment to cater for all 640+ students.

*Find ways to laugh

Laughter is so important for releasing tension and building connections. It is the way many of us deal with stress. Classrooms need to be fun places where happy people can work and share learning together.

These 5 simple steps can be adapted to our homes as well. I hope that in the coming weeks we can continue to share this journey together.

We can, together!

So very pleased to be back surrounded by people I love!


Kris Hudswell



Our focus at Blackwell Public School is Be Passionate and Succeed.

Our aim has and will cotinue to be that as a school we focus on

  • improved student outcomes;
  • high expectations for all student;
  • provision of worthwhile content;
  • appropriate pre and post assessment;
  • diverse opportunities to learn and apply information;
  • effective approaches that are responsive to learning;
  • active and efficient leadership and
  • reviewing future focus trends.

Kris Hudswell

Principal Blackwell Public School

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